Request a Maritime Ambassador visit

As part of Maritime UK Week, we are encouraging schools and colleges to request maritime careers ambassadors to either visit in person or engage remotely to talk to pupils and students about maritime careers and the range of opportunities available within the sector.

Our industry expert maritime ambassadors are keen to share their career pathway and experiences of working in the maritime sector with your pupils or students as a guest speaker or in support of your careers events. We can support tutor or assembly sessions, or subject specific classroom activity.

To request a visit in person or a remote video call from a Maritime Careers ambassador, please complete the form below.

Request a visit from a Maritime Ambassador

Maritime UK' runs a sector-wide industry ambassador programme for schools and colleges:"Inspiring the Future Maritime".

The programme has been designed to support schools are colleges in meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks. Benchmark 5 sets out the expectation that all young people must have meaningful encounters with employers as part of their careers programme.

The Maritime UK programme is led by Lorna Wagner, who is herself a careers professional having joined the sector from Eastleigh College, where she achieved the Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance and Development.

Maritime UK has partnered with Inspiring the Future to deliver the programme. The organisation provides a vital bridge between young people, educational providers and employers. With over 1000 schools and colleges in the UK already using the platform, today’s news will see a growing number of maritime ambassadors available to those schools in all corners of the country.