Cadetship Syllabus Review – Industry Consultation

Between January and May 2023, the Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme’s Sub-Group 1.2 completed an industry consultation to review their proposed changes to the Cadetship syllabuses. 

The 61 modules were split into eight groups for consultation, with each group available for consultation for a four-week period. 

Since the completion of the consultations, Sub-Group 1.2 has reviewed all feedback received, amended the modules as appropriate and responded to those who provided the feedback. All industry feedback and finalised templates can be found at the following links:

Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – First Group of Consultation Templates 

Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Second Group of Consultation Templates 

Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Third Group of Consultation Templates 

Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Fourth Group of Consultation Templates 

Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Fifth Group of Consultation Templates 

Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Sixth Group of Consultation Templates 

Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Seventh Group of Consultation Templates 

Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Eighth Group of Consultation Templates 

Sub-Group 1.2 completed the review of the syllabus and delivered modules to MCA approved Nautical Colleges in December 2023. It is expected that it will take approximately 18 months for Nautical Colleges to implement. 

Sub-Group 1.2 completed reviewing assessment strategies and delivered the updated modules to MCA approved Nautical Colleges in May 2024. 

The Group has started updating Training Record Book tasks, which are expected to be completed by August 2024.