Workstreams and Projects

All workstreams and projects carried out by the Commission are aligned to the objectives outlined by the Minister in the Tasking Letter.

Please see below the Dashboard of current and past workstreams carried out by the Commission. 

Workstream Minister's Objectives Aims of the Project Stage
Labour Market Intelligence Scoping Report Objectives 1-7 This workstream created an initial report for the Commission which focussed on the current labour market intelligence available in the Maritime Sector and some initial recommendations for what the Commission may want to focus on following its creation. Completed
Cadet Training & Modernisation (CT&M) Programme Objectives 1-7 This workstream focused on reforming seafarer education ensuring that the education and training is fit for purpose. Numerous stakeholders are focussed on delivering the 23 recommendations set out in the Maritime Skills Commission - Seafarer Cadet Review Report. Second year of delivery
Careers in Maritime Ashore Objectives 2-7 This workstream developed a new qualification preparing school and college leavers for shore-based maritime roles. This has been completed and a course is now available from Open Awards. Completed and in delivery
Seafarer Cadet Review Objectives 1-7 This workstream resulted in a report on seafarer cadet training which contained 23 recommendations on skills gaps and modernisation. The work from this workstream has led to the creation of two more workstreams; Cadet Training & Modernisation and Seafarer Cadet Review 2. Completed
Digital Learning Objective 4 The Commission initiated this workstream to capture lessons learnt during the coronavirus pandemic, and to help education and training providers across the sector to reflect on those lessons and to embrace the most beneficial new practices. Completed
Exporting Maritime Education and Training Objective 7 The aim of this workstream is to focus on Objective 7 of the Minister’s tasking letter - Increase exports of maritime education and training. The workstream is ongoing and discussions are currently underway on how best to meet this Objective. Ongoing
Future Ports Workforce Objectives 1-3 This workstream considers the development and changing nature of ports. The workstream is ongoing and the Commission has partnered with Port Skills and Safety to gather data on the current UK ports workforce, identify current skills gaps and potential future skills needs. Ongoing
Review into Unnecessary Barriers for Recruiting UK Ratings Tasking Letter This workstream was created when the Maritime Minister tasked the commission to conduct a review to 'understand what the situation is with UK ratings training'. The workstream is ongoing and a review of UK Ratings’ training is currently underway. Ongoing
Skills for Green Jobs Objective 1 This workstream focuses on the importance of green skills in the Maritime sector and supporting the Commission’s commitment to weaving the green skills agenda through their work. This workstream is ongoing and work is underway to identify green skills shortages and to produce a matrix to map what is known of green skills for the maritime sector. Ongoing
Seafarer Cadet Review 2 Objectives 1-7 This workstream is a continuation of the Seafarer Cadet Review focussing on the provision of seafarer cadet training. This workstream is ongoing and is currently working to ensure that the delivery of cadet education and training is fit for purpose. Ongoing
People, Behaviours and Soft Skills Objectives 1-7 This workstream was created to analyse management leadership skills and the soft skills and behaviours for all levels of the workforce across the maritime sector. This workstream is currently in the research phase and focus groups are underway. Ongoing


Learn more about The Commission's  individual projects below.