Colin McMurray

Director of Commercialisation and Skills, Forth Valley College

Colin McMurray

Director of Commercialisation and Skills, Forth Valley College

Colin is currently the Vice Principal of Business and Innovation at Forth Valley College in Central Scotland.

Colin’s career began with BP Shipping where he started as a Deck Cadet. After working on Fast Ferries as Chief Officer and Fleet Training Officer he moved ashore joining Clyde Marine Training. He subsequently became Managing Director in 2008 after a successful MBO. 

The company rapidly expanded to include a number of new business areas and was acquired by Northern Marine Group, part of Stena AB in 2016. Colin remained as a director of the Clyde Group and continued to expand the various strands of the business, including starting and developing Clyde Training Solutions. Colin then moved to Stream Marine Training as Group Managing Director successfully completing a rapid change of business direction and implementing new process systems.

Colin was on the board of Glasgow College of Nautical Studies, involved in the merger and shadow boards of City of Glasgow College and post-merger remained on the board for a further 8 years during which time he was involved in the £224m New Campus Project and Chaired the Audit Committee. 

Colin is also a Past President of the Scottish Shipping Benevolent Association, Former Trustee for the Sailor’s Society and Glasgow Humane Society and past Chair of the International Association of Maritime Institutions. He has been a member of the MNTB Main Board since 2013 and most recently joined the Zero Emission Skills for Maritime Operations and Vessels Steering group.

Colin is a Fellow of IMarEST and a Younger Brother of Trinity House.