Maritime UK Action Plan

Maritime UK Action Plan for Enhancing Diversity, Inclusion, and Support for Women, Ethnicity, Mental Health and Pride in the Workplace


To create a diverse, inclusive, and supportive workplace that empowers, ensuring every employee feels valued, respected, and able to contribute to the organisation's success.

Phase 1: Assessment and Goal Setting

Conduct a Comprehensive Diversity Audit

  • Action: Perform a comprehensive audit of the current diversity landscape within the organisation, with a specific focus on women, ethnicity, mental health and LGBTQ+ representation.
Set Clear Diversity, Inclusion, and Mental Health Goals

  • Action: Based on the audit results, set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant goals for diversity, inclusion, support for women, mental health awareness, ethnic diversity, and LGBTQ+ inclusion

Phase 2: Building Awareness and Training

Launch an Inclusive Communication Campaign

  • Action: Create internal and external communication plans to promote the importance of diversity, inclusion, women's support, mental health awareness,ethnic diversity, and LGBTQ+ inclusion.

Phase 3: Policy and Practice Changes

Enhance Employee Resource Groups 

  • Action: Ensure job descriptions are inclusive and advertised widely, trailing new ways of reaching a more diverse demographic. Support the establishment and growth of groups, especially those focusing on women, ethnic diversity, LGBTQ+ inclusion and mental health, signposting and providing them with resources and a platform to voice their concerns and have an accountable person to move forward suggestions raised

Develop Women's & LBGTQ+ Mentorship Programmes

  • Action: Implement or take part in local or national mentorship programme, or via a specialist organisation (eg that pairs women and LGBTQ+ employees with senior leaders to support career development

Implement Flexible Work Policies

  • Action: Introduce and promote flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options, flexible hours, and parental leave policies, to support work-life balance and mental health if possible.

Phase 4: Continuous Improvement and Accountability

Regularly Monitor and Report Progress

  • Action: Use employee feedback to assess the effectiveness of DEI, women's support,LGBTQ+ inclusion and mental health initiatives, and publish annual diversity and inclusion reports. Implement a ‘Progress Group’ to monitor and move forward agreed actions, assist in more difficult issues.

Create a Safe Feedback Mechanism

  • Action: Implement an anonymous reporting system for employees to share their experiences and suggestions related to diversity, inclusion, support for women, ethnic diversity, LGBTQ+ inclusion and mental health.

Phase 5: Community and Industry Engagement

Partner with Diverse and Inclusive Organisations

  • Action: Collaborate with organisations that promote diversity, women's support, ethnic diversity, mental health and LGBTQ+ inclusion to support community programmes and expand the talent pipeline. Maritime UK’s Pride in Maritime and Women in Maritime programmes are good initiatives:- consider joining WISTA (Men can join WISTA as MISTA’s)  

Participate in Industry Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

  • Action: Engage in industry-wide diversity and inclusion programs and share good practices with other companies. Maritime UK’s Diversity in Maritime programme is one

Phase 6: Support and Resources for Women, Mental Health and LGBTQ+ employees

Provide Access to Mental Health Resources

  • Action: Offer mental health resources such as counselling services, and have mental health days.

Establish Support Networks for Women and LBGTQ+ Employees

  • Action: Create support networks and forums for women and LGBTQ+ employees  to share experiences, provide mutual support, and discuss career development.


This action plan outlines a comprehensive approach to enhancing diversity, inclusion, support for women, ethnic diversity, LGBTQ+ inclusion and mental health within the organisation. Through consistent assessment, training, support systems, and community engagement, the organisation can create a more inclusive and supportive environment that benefits all employees and drives business success.