Step-by-Step Guide to Signing Up for the Diversity in Maritime Pledge

If you're ready to show your commitment to creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace but aren't sure how to start, here’s a simple guide to help you sign up for the Diversity in Maritime Pledge:

 Understand the Pledge

  • The Diversity in Maritime Pledge is a commitment to making your workplace more inclusive, fair, and diverse. By signing it, you're promising to take work to promote equality in your organisation.

  • Signing the Diversity in Maritime Pledge means that your organisation is publicly committing to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the maritime sector. By signing the pledge, you agree to take steps that create a fairer, more inclusive workplace where everyone, regardless of their background, identity, or characteristics, feels valued and has equal opportunities.

Specifically, it means:
Commitment to Diversity: You are dedicated to improving the representation and inclusion of underrepresented groups, such as women, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and individuals from the LGBTQ+ community, within your organisation.

Fair Opportunities for All: Your organisation will promote equal opportunities in hiring, promotions, and career development for all employees.

Creating an Inclusive Workplace: You will work to foster an environment where every employee feels respected, included, and empowered to contribute to the organisation.

Challenging Inequality: You are committed to identifying and addressing any barriers or biases that might limit opportunities for certain groups in your organisation.

Sharing Best Practices: By signing the pledge, you join a wider network of organisations that share ideas, resources, and strategies to support diversity and inclusion.

In essence, signing the pledge signals that your organisation recognises the value of diversity and is actively working to make the maritime industry more inclusive and equitable for all.

Receive Confirmation

  • After submitting your details, you will receive a confirmation email or communication. This will include:

    • A pledge badge that you can display on your website or in your office.

Start Taking Action

  • Begin working on initiatives that support diversity in your workplace. This could include reviewing your recruitment processes, offering diversity training, encouraging mentorship and development programmes for all employees, and setting up employee support groups.

Stay Engaged

  • Stay in touch with the Diversity in Maritime community by participating in the 4 safe space network meetings, which are advertised on the Maritime UK website to access resources, events, and support to help you make real changes in your organisation. 

Celebrate and Share Your Commitment

  • Make sure to tell your employees, clients, and stakeholders about your commitment to diversity. Share your pledge on your website, social media, or other channels to inspire others to take similar actions.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to officially sign the Diversity in Maritime Pledge and start making a difference in your organisation and the maritime industry as a whole!