Signing up to Diversity Pledge

Signing up to the Diversity in Maritime Pledge is a commitment to fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse workplace in the maritime industry. By signing, your business or organisation takes a public stance on promoting diversity in all its forms—be it gender, race, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, or background.

The pledge signifies that your organisation will:

  • Promote equality: You’ll ensure that all employees, regardless of their differences, have access to fair opportunities for recruitment, retention, and advancement.

  • Champion inclusivity: You’ll work towards creating a workplace culture where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute fully, without fear of discrimination or exclusion.

  • Challenge bias: Actively identify and break down barriers that may limit participation or progression for underrepresented groups within the maritime sector.

  • Collaborate and share best practices: By signing, you become part of a community of businesses that share knowledge and resources, working together to implement policies and strategies that support diversity and inclusion.

The pledge isn’t just about ticking boxes—it's about taking meaningful actions that create a positive and lasting impact on the maritime industry. It demonstrates to your employees, clients, and the wider community that you are committed to building a diverse workforce and promoting an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.