Chris Shirling-Rooke

Chair, Mental Health in Maritime Network


Chair, Mental Health in Maritime Network

Chris became Chief Executive of Maritime UK in Summer 2023, the umbrella body for the £116 Billion UK maritime sector, which brings together the shipping, ports, professional services, engineering and leisure marine industries. He has continued to lead the establishment of Maritime UK’s cluster support programme for coastal communities, a partnership between the Department for Transport and Maritime UK supporting regional maritime clusters, fostering collaboration and driving growth across the United Kingdom. Previously Chris was Chief Executive of Mersey Maritime, the sector champion for the maritime industry in the North West of England, and was awarded an MBE for his services to Maritime in 2020. He remains a keen advocate for an inclusive workforce both as a member of WISTA (Women's International Shipping and Trading Association) as well as Chair of the Maritime UK Mental Health Network. Chris is also Chair of the Nautilus Welfare Fund Committee.

Chris is a fierce defender of all mental health issues and as well as having a number of thought pieces published, has also created safe spaces allowing open and supportive, no judgemental communications.  One such project was called the Positivity Club which was created in 2009 as a safe supported space for business leaders during the financial turmoil.