Maritime UK comments on new Board of Trade

Maritime UK reacted to the convening of a new Board of Trade by the Secretary of State for International Trade, Liam Fox MP.

Ben Murray, Maritime UK Manager, said:

"Global free trade is a powerful tool in raising living standards across the world. The UK has long been a champion of free trade, recognising its value in delivering prosperity, growing businesses, linking peoples, and driving down prices. It's vital that when some across the world are questioning its value, industry and government work together to make the case for global free trade. The reconvened Board of Trade will help us do that.

"The maritime sector is the fundamental enabler of UK global trade. Some 95% of goods arrive in the UK having been carried on ships and through ports.

"Our key trade priority is to see maximum effort being dedicated to achieving a successful deal with the EU. A successful deal preserves as many of the current benefits of the customs union as possible."