COP26 International Maritime Hub

Maritime UK and City of Glasgow College have partnered to showcase green technology, innovation and capabilities from across the UK maritime sector to the world, at an International Maritime Hub at COP26.
The International Maritime Hub runs from 1-12 November. The headline sponsor is CMB, the shipping and logistics group based in Antwerp, Belgium.
To be hosted at City of Glasgow College’s Riverside Campus on the bank of the river Clyde, the Hub will be the location for a number of different events throughout the duration of the international conference, highlighting UK maritime expertise within areas such as technology, policy, regulation, education and training.
COP26 provides a historic opportunity for the UK to demonstrate international leadership in the efforts to tackle climate change. With the decarbonisation of the global maritime sector as a necessary step to reaching net zero targets, the Hub aims to display the sector’s capabilities to world leaders and advance the conversation around green growth. This is a chance for the global maritime sector to come together to discuss the shared response to the climate mission. It will also be an opportunity to show UK decision-makers the central role that maritime can play in decarbonising the economy, while adding value and creating well-paid jobs in coastal towns and cities across the country.
The Hub includes a Costa coffee shop, where delegates and visitors can catch-up, enjoy some downtime and network between engagements. Register to drop-in here.
The Hub provides a space for industry colleagues to deliver events, host meetings, or network, during the course of the climate change summit. Booking details can be seen here.
Events being delivered by Maritime UK and opportunities for colleagues to get involved can be found below.
Getting to the Hub
Riverside Campus
21 Thistle Street
Glasgow G5 9XB