
Based on decades of experience in providing maritime services to navies around the world, QinetiQ offer a range of services that enable commercial marine customers to stay safe, compliant and perform at their best.

They help ship owners and operators, charterers, ports and other maritime companies to remain cyber resilient. They have developed the world’s only integrated naval architecture design and analysis software for ship and submarine designers to model thousands of concept vessels and analyse their stability. Their extensive test facilities include highly specialist dynamic shock test machines and a 40,000 tonne ocean basin for surface ship and submarine model tests.

At their site at Haslar, near Portsmouth in the UK, the ocean basin and rotating arm offers their global customers a free-manoeuvring hydrodynamic model test service for surface and subsurface vessels in design, or post modification optimisation test and evaluation trials. The Towing Tank offers the capability to deliver constrained hydrodynamic model tests of surface ships, submarines, offshore structures, and renewable energy devices.

Click here to visit the QinetiQ (Marine) Website.

Click here to visit the QinetiQ website