Membership & Sponsorship

Maritime UK offers a number of different membership categories. Individual companies are not able to join Maritime UK, but rather encouraged to join the relevant Maritime UK trade association, and engage in Maritime UK work thereafter. Individual companies are welcome to sponsor Maritime UK programmes, events, research or other activity. 

Membership categories

Regional Regional and devolved nation cluster members required to be a regionally representative organisation with a robust governance and auditable structure internally to aid in application for public finance and grants.
National National members must be able to demonstrate that they are a nationally representative organisation with a robust governance structure internally to show that they are able to identify and represent the needs of their own sector.
Strategic Strategic partner members are not required to demonstrate a comprehensive reflection of their sector, but should to be specialists in their area of expertise, and likely to be the thought leaders for their area.
Associate Associate members are organisations - not individual companies - that wish to have a relationship with Maritime UK, but a lesser relationship than the full membership forms listed above.

Associate membership

Associate members of Maritime UK enjoy the following benefits:

  • Right to join WGs subject to approval by National Council
  • Attendance at an annual Maritime UK Summit
  • Invited to Maritime UK member-only events
  • Events listed on Maritime UK website and in newsletter
  • Ability to submit guest blogs to Maritime UK website
  • Listing on Maritime UK website

 Associate membership fees are £4,400 per year.

Discuss membership and sponsorship 

To discuss joining Maritime UK or becoming a Sponsor Partner, please email