Port Skills and Safety
Port Skills and Safety is the UK's professional ports health and safety membership organisation.
We exist to make UK ports safer and more skilled. We promote continuous improvement in health and safety culture through standard setting, sharing best practice, and accident data analysis. We support port skills and career development by promoting port-specific learning, improving the awareness of port careers and promoting inclusivity.
PSS has over 100 ports, port services and trainers in our membership, and our parent organisations, the British Ports Association and UK Major Ports Group, cover most commercial ports in the UK. We are recognised by Government departments and agencies, including the Department for Transport, Health and safety Executive and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and are members of Maritime UK.
One of the most valued resources that PSS offers is the Safety in Ports (SiPs) suite of guidance. Produced in conjunction with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and trade unions, these documents aim to improve safety in ports in a range of common areas. The PSS Incident Dashboard tracks the health and safety performance of a number of key members against national rates to drive up safety performance. The data allows members to analyse incidents and avoid near misses becoming a reality. We also host a number of committees and working groups where members come together to discuss recent safety issues, develop industry guidance and ensure port qualifications keep pace with technology.